Build your app

How to Create an App

Our instructions lead you step-by-step through design of an application with sample screens to guide you along the way.

1. Select your application screen

Log into the NCAMEO platform. Then select the “New Screen” tab. You can use the “Blank Screen” option or the pre-existing templates to get you started.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

2. Action View

After selecting “Blank Screen”, choose the type of form you want to create, either a “List Form” or a “Transaction Form”.

Select”List Form” to create specific visuals from your data. “Transaction Form” is used when capturing data fields.

Below, we select “Transaction Form”.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

3. Set Create API and Configure Submit Button for Transaction Form

Following your form selection, you will set the API details. First, fill out the required fields which includes “Data Connection”, “Model Name”, “Operation”, “Query”(if any), and “Query Parameters” to name a few. This allows you to establish the correct API connection.

Finally, you can update the control properties of the Button and place it in your form.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.
NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

4. Add Controls

Next, add “Controls”. Then, under the “Screen” tab, select the “Add New” button. This allows you to add additional controls.

Clicking on the “Add New” button opens up a form in the side bar laying out all the available options. Add as many controls as needed.

Click on the required control and add it to the form by configuring its properties, view, API, and buttons linked to it.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

5. Add Form Name

Next, update or add the Form Name. For example, below, we are using the form name “Create Lead”.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

6. Set Get API

Next, configure the Get API. Follow the steps as done in Step three, however the operation here will change to “Get”.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

7. Create new form to Configure Cards in Grid View

After completing the Transaction Form, you will configure the view you want to represent the captured data. Follow the steps as step one & step two and select “List Form” here.

8. Set up GET API for List

Following your form selection, you will set the API details. Configuring API will be similar to step three, however the operation here will change to “Read”.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

9. Select Layout or Visual Type

After filling in all the required API fields, select the appropriate view from the six available options.

Here, we are going ahead with “Card View”.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

10. Add Form Name

Next, update the form name. Below, we are using the form name as “Leads”.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

11. Configure Grid View

Next is configuring “Grid View” in a seven steps form wizard.

Click the “Property” tab in the form wizard. From here, populate the “Attributes” field with your required attributes, ensuring that the attributes have no spaces.

Next we will set up the “View”. Fill out the required fields as per your application parameters. You can also pull up images in your card view by configuring the image URL.

12. Configure Grid View 

Next we will configure the fields required for “Data” step. This involves data and API configurations.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

13. Configure Grid View 

Next is the “Mapping” step, in which you will map the captured data fields that you wish to display on the cards.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

14. Configure Grid View 

Next we will complete the “Action” step by configuring the custom action buttons such as “View”, “Edit”, “Delete”, and others.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

15. Configure Grid View

Next, we have the “Advance” step to set up advanced visuals on the cards. Advance visuals include images, charts, or custom initials.

The last step configures the settings you want to use for mobile viewing. This will determine how the app displays in the native mobile view.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

16. Configure Add Form to the List View

After completing both “Transaction Form” and “List Form”, link both the forms together and create an application screen.

Click on “Setting” tab and then toggle the “Show Add Form Link” to “On”.

Next update the “Button Text”, “Button Class”, and “Button Icon” fields. 

Next select the “Action View” and provide the name of Transaction Form in “Add/Edit FormId” which is to be linked together.

NCAMEO No-Code Low-Code development platform and the power of AZURE.

17. Adding Application Screen to Navigation Menu

Kindly refer to Navigation Steps for more details.