
You have to go through a three-step form wizard to enable this Control, i.e., Design, API & Advance. Let’s explain these steps below:

1st Step – Design

  1. Key (mandatory)
  2. Label (mandatory)
  3. Name (mandatory)
  4. Column Width
  5. Data Series: Select data series from the following All, Single Series, Multi Series or Bubble
    1. Chart Type: Select chart type from the following Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Line/Area Charts or Other Charts
  6. Dimensions
    1. Fit Container
  7. Color Scheme
    1. Color
  8. Options
    1. Show X Axis
    2. Show Y Axis
    3. Show Grid Lines
    4. Round Domains
    5. Gradient
    6. Show Legend
    7. Legend Position
    8. Round Edges
    9. Tooltip Disabled
    10. Show X Axis Label
    11. Display Text
    12. X Axis Label
    13. Y Axis Label

2nd Step – API

  1. Data
    1. Bind with data model
    2. Choose Data Source: Select data source from the following HTTP, Workflow, No SQL or RDBMS
      1. HTTP
        1. Data Connection
        2. Method (mandatory): Select method from the following GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE or POCO
        3. API URL (mandatory)
        4. Query Parameters
          1. Key
          2. Value
          3. Query Variable
          4. Select Type
        5. Headers
          1. Name
          2. Value
        6. Others
          1. Enable raw query
    3. Enable Encryption
    4. Response Attribute
  2. Mapping
    1. API Filed Mapping
      1. Chart Field: Select option from the dropdown menu
      2. Binding Field: Select option from the dropdown menu
      3. Chart Click Filter
      4. Is Collection
    2. Collection Filed Mapping
      1. Enter Key
      2. Enter Value

3rd Step – Advance

  1. Design
    1. No. of Column (mandatory)
    2. Height
    3. Hide Data Tab
    4. Hide Chart Tab
  2. Others
    1. No Data Configuration
      1. No Data Image URL
      2. Background Color
      3. Image Width
      4. Cover Height
      5. Title
      6. Message

Click “Confirm” and “Chart” control is configured.