Hide Team & Role Menu

The objective of this configuration is to provide a mechanism to hide or restrict visibility of specific teams and roles within the system.

1st Step – Go To Settings.

2nd Step – Go To Advance.

3rd Step – Expand Menu Settings.

4th Step – Turn on the "Hide Role Menu?" option to hide the role menu from the platform, and turn on the"Hide Team Menu?" option to hide the team menu from the platform.

5th Step – Configure Custom Team Menu

The objective of configuring a Custom Team Menu is to allow the dynamic creation and customization of team-specific menu options based on API integrations.

  1. Hide Team:
    1. Step 1:To configure a custom team menu, you first need to hide the default team menu from the platform. To do this, hide the team menus in the settings. (Refer to the "Hide Team and Role" document for further guidance.)
  2. Create add user form:
    1. Step 2:Create a new user input form according to your requirements.
  3. Configure save button API:
    1. Step 3:Configure the save Button API and any other necessary fields.
  4. Create user list form:
    1. Step 4:Create a list form to retrieve user data from the user API and Configure the add user form.
  5. Add to navigation:
    1. Step 5:Add the form to the navigation and fill all mandatory fields.

6th Step – Configure Custom Role Menu

The objective of configuring a Custom Role Menu is to allow the dynamic creation and customization of role-specific menu options based on API integrations.

  1. Hide Role:
    1. Step 1:To configure a custom role menu, you first need to hide the default role menu from the platform. To do this, hide the role menus in the settings. (Refer to the "Hide Team and Role" document for further guidance.)
  2. Create add role form:
    1. Step 2:Create a new role input form according to your requirements.
  3. Configure save button API:
    1. Step 3:Configure the save Button API and any other necessary fields.
  4. Create role list form:
    1. Step 4:Create a list form to retrieve role data from the role API and Configure the add role form.
  5. Add to navigation:
    1. Step 5:Add the form to the navigation and fill all mandatory fields.