PDF Conveter

How to configure the PDF convertor ?

Create a PDF conversion Button to generate a PDF file that will be formatted according to a specified template, with data pulled from the form’s model.

Expected output:

1st Step

  1. To generate a PDF, you first need to integrate the PDF to the system. To do this, go to the Integration Section and fill in the required credentials. In order to use the PDF generation feature, you need to have Adobe PDF access. Once you’ve entered the credentials, you will be able to generate PDFs from the system.

2nd Step

  1. You can either add a new blank transaction form or use the PDF converter in an already created form to generate a PDF. In this example, we are using the PDF converter on a new screen.

3rd Step

  1. Set the Button Type to PDF Converter. To begin, select PDF Converter as the button type. This choice will turn the button into a PDF conversion tool, allowing it to generate a PDF file from the content you specify.

4th Step

  1. Go to the Design Section to customize the appearance of the button so it matches your app's style. You can adjust the color, font, and size according to your preferences.

5th Step - Configure the Action Tab

  1. Go to the Action Tab and add the following details:
    1. Primary Key: The primary key must be unique. You can use the record's ID or generate a GUID using a hidden field.
    2. PDF Response Model Key: Add the attribute to the model for storing the PDF URL.
  2. Enable PDF Generation: Switch on the Generate and Open PDF option to allow the system to generate and display the PDF.
  3. Upload the Word Document: Upload the Word document that will be used as a template for generating the PDF. The data from the form will be mapped to the fields in the Word document to create the final PDF.
  4. Map Values in the Word Document Map the values in the Word document to the corresponding fields in your form. This ensures that the correct data is filled into the PDF template.

6th Step

  1. The PDF generation configuration is now complete. You are ready to use this functionality.

Final Output: