How to create a new Data Source


You will need to provide following information to connect a database using HTTP option:

  1. Base URL
  2. Authentication
  3. Connection Name
  4. Enable CORS

Logic Apps:

You will need to provide following information to connect a database using Logic Apps option:

  1. Azure Subscription
  2. Resource Group
  3. Connection Name
  4. Enable CORS

Cosmos DB:

You will need to provide following information to connect a database using Cosmos DB option:

  1. Database Account
  2. Database
  3. Collection
  4. Partition Key
  5. Access Key (primary key)
  6. Connection Name
  7. Enable CORS

Azure Function:

You will need to provide following information to connect a database using Azure option:

  1. Azure subscription
  2. Resource Group
  3. Function keys
  4. Connection Name
  5. Enable CORS


You will need to provide following information to connect a database using Azure option:

  1. Database URL
  2. Storage Bucket
  3. Project ID
  4. Collection Name
  5. App Id
  6. API Key
  7. Auth Domain
  8. Messaging Sender ID
  9. Connection Name
  10. Enable CORS