You have to go through a three-step form wizard to enable this
Control, i.e., Design, Validation & Advance. Let’s explain
these steps below:
1st Step – Design
This is the first step of
the “Number” control form wizard. Here
you are required to fill in the following details:
Database Field Name (mandatory): Defines the name of the database field to which the component's data will be mapped and stored.
Label Name (mandatory): Specifies the display name or title for a field or control in the user interface.
Column Width: Specifies the display name or title for a field or control in the user interface.
Placeholder: Defines the hint text displayed inside a form field or input box when it is empty, providing guidance on the expected input.
Enable Tooltip?: This button is set as “Yes” if you need to
enable Tooltip Text in this Control
Tooltip Text: Defines the text to be displayed in the tooltip when the user hovers over the icon.
Select Tooltip Position: Select tooltip position from the
following Top, Right, Bottom or Left
2nd Step – Validation
Minimum: Minimum Value that can be accepted by user input
Maximum: Maximum Value that can be accepted by user input
Minimum Model: Here, we enter field name (attribute) from the
form, which will define the minimum value that can be acquired by user input
Maximum Model: Here, we enter field name (attribute) from the
form, which will determine the maximum value that can be accepted by user input
Default Value: As the name suggests, it defines a default value
for a field. This default value can be changed by user input.
Is Mandatory?: This button is set as “Yes” if you need to apply
this Control as mandatory
Error Message: Here, you can define the error message that
will be displayed if this control is left blank.
3rd Step – Advance
Bootstrap Column Class: Specifies a predefined Bootstrap CSS class to style and format the component, enabling quick customization and responsive design.
Description: Enter extra suggestions for user experience on
this field
Text Align (mandatory): Right or Left
Format Type: Number or Currency
Use 1000 Separator (,): A property that enables the inclusion of a comma as a thousands separator in numeric values for better readability, e.g., displaying 1000000 as 1,000,000.
Decimal Places: A property that specifies the number of digits allowed after the decimal point in numeric values, ensuring precision and formatting consistency.
Negative Numbers: A property that determines how negative numbers are handled or displayed, such as with a minus sign (e.g., -123).
Click “Confirm” and “Number” control is