Range Slider

Mostly used in mobile applications.

You have to go through a two-step form wizard to enable this Control, i.e., Design & Advance. Let’s explain these steps below:

1st Step – Design

This is the first step of the “Range Slider” control form wizard. Here you are required to fill in the following details:

  1. Database Field Name (mandatory): These are the attributes of the form
  2. Label Name
  3. Column Width

2nd Step – Advance

  1. Design
    1. Minimum Value: Define min. Value of the slider for instance 0
    2. Maximum Value: Define min. Value of the slider for instance 100
    3. Step
    4. Bootstrap Column Class
    5. Track Height
    6. Thumb Border Radius
    7. Thumb Width
    8. Thumb Height
    9. Thumb Background Color
    10. Minimum Track Color
    11. Maximum Track Color
  2. Mobile
    1. Margin Left
    2. Margin Top
    3. Margin Right
    4. Margin Bottom

Click “Confirm” and “Range Slider” control is configured.