
You have to go through a two-step form wizard to enable this Control, i.e., Design & Advance. Let’s explain these steps below:

1st Step – Design

This is the first step of the “Rating” control form wizard. Here you are required to fill in the following details:

  1. Database Field Name (mandatory): These are the attributes of the form
  2. Label Name
  3. Column Width

2nd Step – Advance

  1. Font Size: Can be defined in px, em, rem, etc.
  2. Show Overall Score?: When selected “Yes”, you have to define the following for Rating Data grid.
    1. No of Star: 5 or 10 value can be added manually
    2. Rating Data
      1. Weightage (In %)
      2. Control Key
  3. Custom Rating Values

Click “Confirm” and “Rating” control is configured.