You have to go through a three-step form wizard to enable this
Control, i.e., Design, Validation & Advance. Let’s explain
these steps below:
1st Step – Design
This is the first step of the “Text Box” control form wizard. Here you are required to fill in the
following details:
Database Field Name (mandatory): Defines the name of the database field to which the component's data will be mapped and stored.
Label Name: Specifies the display name or title for a field or control in the user interface.
Column Width: Specifies the width of a column in a layout or grid system, allowing control over how much space the column occupies relative to others.
Placeholder: Defines the hint text displayed inside a form field or input box when it is empty, providing guidance on the expected input.
Enable Tooltip?: This button is set as “Yes” if you need to enable Tooltip Text in this Control
Tooltip Text: Defines the text to be displayed in the tooltip when the user hovers over the icon.
Select Tooltip Position: Select tooltip position from the following Top, Right, Bottom or Left
2nd Step – Validation
Minimum Character Limit: Specifies the minimum number of characters required for the input field to be considered valid.
Maximum Character Limit: Specifies the maximum number of characters required for the input field to be considered valid.
Char Limit Error Message (Optional): Defines a custom error message to display when the input does not meet the character limit.
Is Mandatory?: This button is set as “Yes” if you need to apply this Control as mandatory
Error Message: Here, you can define the error message that will be displayed if this control is left blank.
Text only?: Here, you specify whether or not you require only text as values in this Control
Number only?: Here, you specify whether or not you require only number as values in this Control
Default Value: As the name suggests, it defines a default value for a field. This default value can be changed by user input.
3rd Step – Advance
Bootstrap Column Class: Specifies a predefined Bootstrap CSS class to style and format the component, enabling quick customization and responsive design.
Description: Enter extra suggestions for user experience on this field.
Link with Page Variable: Specifies if the field should be linked to a page variable for dynamic interaction.
Linked Page Variable Name: Defines the name of the page variable to be linked with the field.
Enable auto validate on load (default check on typing): Determines whether the field should automatically validate its input when the page loads or only upon user typing.
Query Field: Specifies the field used to send a query request.
Output Field: Defines the field where the results of a query or process are displayed.
Data Source: Specifies the origin of the data, such as an API, database, or external service.
Enable Encryption: Enables or disables the encryption of sensitive data to enhance security.
Response Attribute: Defines the attribute in the response that will be used for further processing or display.
Enable for Form Validation: Allows the field to be included in the form validation process.
Auto Validate Message: Defines the message displayed when auto-validation fails, such as an error message for invalid input.
Enable Auto Search: Enable Auto Search enables search/refresh configured component
Refresh Component Key: The unique key used to trigger a refresh for a specific component within the application.
Refresh Component Form: Specifies whether the entire form should be refreshed or just a specific component.
Enable Mask Input: Enables input masking, which hides the actual characters typed by the user for sensitive fields (e.g., passwords, credit card numbers).
Mask Input: Defines the masking pattern (e.g., replacing characters with asterisks) for input fields.
Guide: Provides a help or instruction text to guide users on how to properly interact with the field.
Align Self: Defines the alignment of a specific item within a flex container, allowing it to override the container's default alignment rules.
Flex: Specifies how a flex item will grow, shrink, or maintain its size within a flex container, determining its proportion relative to other items.
Form Control Margin Bottom: Defines the spacing below a form control element, allowing customization of the vertical gap between controls for better layout and design consistency.
Click “Confirm” and “Text Box” control is