Advance Grid

You have to go through a three-step form wizard to enable this Control, i.e., Design, API & Advance. Let’s explain these steps below:

1st Step – Design

  1. Database Field Name (mandatory): Defines the name of the database field to which the component's data will be mapped and stored.
  2. Label Name (mandatory): Specifies the display name or title for a field or control in the user interface.
  3. Column Width: Specifies the width of a column in a layout or grid system, allowing control over how much space the column occupies relative to others.

2nd Step – API

  1. Data
    1. Data Source: Select the data source from the following options: HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS.
      1. HTTP: Configuration for using HTTP as the data source.
        1. Data Connection: Specify the data connection settings.
        2. Method (mandatory): Select the HTTP method from GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, or POCO.
        3. API URL (mandatory): Enter the endpoint URL for the API.
        4. Query Parameters: Configure the query parameters for the API.
          1. Key: The parameter name.
          2. Value: The parameter value.
          3. Query Variable: Variable used in the query.
          4. Select Type: Specify the parameter type.
        5. Headers: Define the HTTP headers to include in the API request.
          1. Name: Header name.
          2. Value: Header value.
        6. Others: Additional settings for the API request.
          1. Enable raw query: Enable or disable raw query support.
    2. Response Attribute: Specify the attribute in the API response to bind data.
    3. Paging Type: Select the pagination type, either Server Side or Client Side.
      1. Server Side: Configure server-side pagination settings.
        1. From Param: Parameter to indicate the starting record.
        2. Page Size Param: Parameter for specifying the page size.
        3. API Field for Total Counts (Optional): Specify the API field that provides total record counts.
        4. Server Pagination View: Choose the server pagination style, either Load More or Number Type.
          1. Number Type: Settings for number-based pagination.
            1. Show Pagination: Enable or disable pagination display.
            2. Show Pagination Top: Show pagination controls at the top.
            3. Show Pagination Bottom: Show pagination controls at the bottom.
            4. Page Size Options: Define the available page size options.
        5. Show Total Count: Display the total record count.
        6. Total Count Label: Label for the total record count display.
    4. Page Size: Specify the number of records per page.
    5. Map With Data Model Property: If enabled, no API or client data is required, and the grid binds from the Page get API.
    6. Is API Result Nested: Indicate whether the API result is nested.
    7. Primary Key: Specify the unique identifier for each record.
    8. Refresh Component On Close: Reload the component when it is closed.
  2. Mapping
    1. Field Mapping: Click on the "Add New" button to map the required number of fields in the grid. Use the refresh button to reload the API response, then configure the following fields:
      1. Binding: Define the data bindings for the fields.
        1. Header: The header text displayed for the column.
        2. Data Field: Specify the field name from the API response.
        3. Data Type: Select the data type, such as None, Date, Title, Image, or Link.
        4. Show Icon Only: Enable or disable showing only the icon without text.
        5. Icon Margin: Define the margin around the icon.
        6. Column Width: Set the width for the column.
        7. Text Alignment: Align text to the left, right, or center.
        8. Is Multi Row Text?: Specify if the text spans multiple rows.
      2. Advance: Additional column settings.
        1. Hide Column: Enable to hide this column from the grid.
        2. Style: Apply custom styles to the column.
    2. Enable Nested Data? Enable nested data support for the grid.
      1. Nested Collection Field (mandatory): Specify the collection field that contains nested data.
      2. Field Mapping: Click "Add New" to map fields for nested data, refresh the API response, and configure the following:
        1. Display Name: The display name for the nested field.
        2. Binding Field: Specify the field name for binding nested data.
        3. Field Type: Choose the field type, such as None, Email, Date, Title, or Image.
    3. Card Type (Mobile only): Specify the card type used for mobile views.
  3. Action
    1. Action Header: The header label for the action column in the grid.
    2. Is action on last column: Specify whether the action button is placed in the last column.
    3. Action Button View At: Select the view type for the action button, either Popover or Inline.
    4. Actions: Click on the "Add New" button to configure actions based on requirements. Configure the following details:
      1. Action: Configure the action properties.
        1. Button Text: Text displayed on the action button.
        2. Button Type: Select the button type from the dropdown menu.
        3. Action Type: Choose the type of action, such as Sidebar, New Tab, Same Tab, Popup Window, Submit, Submit & Redirect, etc.
        4. Primary Key: Specify the primary key for the action.
        5. Redirect URL: Provide the URL to redirect after the action is executed.
        6. Primary Key Node (optional): Specify the node for the primary key if needed.
        7. Bind Action with Column: Bind the action with a specific column.
          1. Column Name: The name of the column to bind the action.
      2. Web View: Configure settings for web view.
        1. Web Name Type: Choose how the name is displayed, such as Name Only, Name & Icon, or Icon Only.
        2. Web Icon: Specify the icon for web view.
      3. Mobile View: Configure settings for mobile view.
        1. Mobile Name Type: Choose how the name is displayed on mobile, such as Name Only, Name & Icon, or Icon Only.
        2. Mobile Icon: Specify the icon for mobile view.
      4. Advance: Additional action settings.
        1. Mark As Default Action: Set this action as the default.
        2. Action: Choose the action behavior, such as Hide, Show, Enable, or Disable.
        3. Add Rule: Configure rules for the action.
          1. Api Field: The field from the API response to apply the rule.
          2. Operator: Specify the operator for the rule condition.
          3. Value: Set the value to match the condition.
          4. Action: Define the action to perform when the condition is met.
          5. Is Value From DataModel? Indicate if the value comes from a data model.
            1. Model Value From Another Form? Specify if the value is from a different form.
        4. Set data model to page variable: Enable this to access the page variable on the sidebar.
          1. Page variable: Define the variable name.
          2. Type: Select Object or Array.
            1. Array: Configure key-value pairs for the array.
              1. Key: The key for the array element.
              2. Value: The value for the array element.

3rd Step – Advance

  1. Design
    1. Default Image Url: This image will display if the image URL is missing in the data response.
    2. Image Width: Set the width of the displayed image.
    3. Image Height: Set the height of the displayed image.
    4. Image Size: Select the size of the image from the dropdown menu.
    5. Image Position: Specify the position of the image within the layout.
    6. Is Circle Image: Enable or disable circular formatting for the image.
    7. Action Column Width: Define the width of the action column.
    8. Bootstrap Column Class: Specify the Bootstrap class for column styling.
    9. Enable Select Column: Enable a selectable column for the grid.
    10. Enable Export Link (Csv): Enable the option to export data in CSV format.
      1. Export Page Size: Define the page size for the exported file.
      2. Export File Dynamic Name: Specify a dynamic name for the exported file.
      3. Do you want to remove header?: Specify whether to exclude the header from the exported file.
      4. Do you want to remove Serial Number column?: Specify whether to exclude the serial number column from the exported file.
    11. Enable Manage Column: Enable the ability to manage and configure grid columns.
    12. Show Export Link (Pdf): Enable the option to export data in PDF format.
      1. Export Page Size: Define the page size for the exported PDF file.
    13. Enable Freeze Column: Enable the ability to freeze specific columns in the grid.
    14. Enable Client Side Filter: Enable filtering capabilities on the client side.
      1. Filter Placeholder: Set placeholder text for the filter input field.
      2. Filter Columns Index: Specify the index of the columns to include in the filter.
    15. Is odd even color row?: Enable alternate row coloring for better readability.
  2. Others
    1. Enable Update Link: Allow users to update records via a link.
      1. Choose Update Form Id: Select the form ID to be used for updates.
      2. Enable Group Collection: Group updated records into a specified field.
        1. Group Field (mandatory): Define the field for grouping updated records.
      3. Data Source: Select the data source from HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS.
        1. HTTP: Configure HTTP-based data source.
          1. Data Connection: Specify the connection details for the data source.
          2. Method (mandatory): Select HTTP method (GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, POCO).
          3. API URL (mandatory): Provide the API endpoint URL.
          4. Query Parameters: Set parameters for API queries.
            1. Key: Key for the query parameter.
            2. Value: Value for the query parameter.
            3. Query Variable: Variable used in the query.
            4. Select Type: Specify the type for the query parameter.
          5. Headers: Set HTTP headers for the request.
            1. Name: Name of the header.
            2. Value: Value of the header.
          6. Others: Additional HTTP settings.
            1. Enable raw query: Allow raw query execution.
      4. Response Attribute: Specify the attribute in the API response to use.
    2. Enable Delete Link: Allow users to delete records via a link.
      1. Data Source: Select the data source from HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS.
        1. HTTP: Configure HTTP-based data source.
          1. Data Connection: Specify the connection details for the data source.
          2. Method (mandatory): Select HTTP method (GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, POCO).
          3. API URL (mandatory): Provide the API endpoint URL.
          4. Query Parameters: Set parameters for API queries.
            1. Key: Key for the query parameter.
            2. Value: Value for the query parameter.
            3. Query Variable: Variable used in the query.
            4. Select Type: Specify the type for the query parameter.
          5. Headers: Set HTTP headers for the request.
            1. Name: Name of the header.
            2. Value: Value of the header.
          6. Others: Additional HTTP settings.
            1. Enable raw query: Allow raw query execution.
      2. Response Attribute: Specify the attribute in the API response to use.
    3. Enable Email Link: Allow users to send emails through the grid.
      1. Form Id: ID of the form used for sending emails.
      2. Email Form Field (Model in Email Form) (mandatory): Define the form field for email addresses.
      3. Email Field (Source Email Id Field) (mandatory): Specify the source email field.
      4. Add in Group: Include the email in a group for bulk operations.
    4. Enable Advance Search: Enable advanced search options in the grid.
      1. API Method: Select API method (GET or POST).
      2. Advance Search Form: Define the form for advanced searches.
      3. Advance search API mapping: Map API parameters to search fields.
        1. API Param: Parameter used in the API.
        2. Advance Search Field: Field used for advanced search.
      4. Enable Search on Load: Enable search execution on page load.
      5. Is hide search button text: Hide text in the search button if enabled.
      6. Search Button Class: CSS class for the search button.
      7. Search Button Icon: Icon for the search button.
    5. Enable Selection Submit: Enable submission of selected records.
      1. Selection Attribute: Specify the attribute for selected records.
    6. No Data Configuration: Configure settings when no data is available in the grid.
      1. No Data Image URL: URL of the image to display when no data is available.
      2. Background Color: Set the background color for the no-data state.
      3. Image Width: Width of the no-data image.
      4. Cover Height: Height of the no-data image cover.
      5. Title: Title text for the no-data state.
      6. Message: Message text for the no-data state.

Click “Confirm” and “Advance Grid” control is configured.