Chat & SMS

You have to go through a two-step form wizard to enable this Control, i.e., Design & API. Let’s explain these steps below:

1st Step – Design

  1. Database Field Name (mandatory): Defines the name of the database field to which the component's data will be mapped and stored.
  2. Label Name: Specifies the display name or title for a field or control in the user interface.
  3. Placeholder: Defines the hint text displayed inside a form field or input box when it is empty, providing guidance on the expected input.
  4. Column Width: Specifies the width of a column in a layout or grid system, allowing control over how much space the column occupies relative to others.
  5. Disable SMS: Prevents the use of SMS for communication.
    1. Contact Phone Number Field: The field that holds the user's phone number for SMS communication.
    2. SMS-enabled phone number: The phone number linked to your Communication Services account, which supports SMS functionality.
  6. Disable Chat: Disables the chat functionality for the form.
    1. Contact Email Field: The field that stores the user's email address for communication.
    2. Contact Display Name Field: The field that displays the user's name in chat interactions.
    3. Redirect Url: The URL where the user is redirected after chat functionality is disabled.
  7. Primary Key for Chat Session: The unique identifier used to track individual chat sessions.

2nd Step – API

  1. Participants
    1. Choose Data Source Save Log: Select the data source to log actions from options such as AI, HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS.
      1. HTTP: Select HTTP as the data source and configure the necessary parameters for logging.
        1. Data Connection: The connection configuration for accessing the HTTP data source.
        2. Method (mandatory): The HTTP method to be used (e.g., GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, POCO).
        3. API URL (mandatory): The URL of the API endpoint to connect with.
        4. Query Parameters: Parameters used to customize the query.
          1. Key: The key representing the query parameter.
          2. Value: The value assigned to the query parameter.
          3. Query Variable: Variables used within the query.
          4. Select Type: The type of selection to be used in the query.
        5. Headers: HTTP headers required for the request.
          1. Name: The name of the header.
          2. Value: The value of the header.
        6. Others: Additional configurations for the HTTP request.
          1. Enable raw query: Option to enable or disable raw query execution.
    2. Response Attribute: The attribute that represents the response from the data source.
    3. Participant Id (Primary Key): The unique identifier for a participant in the system.
    4. Participant Name: The name of the participant associated with the data source.
  2. Save Thread
    1. Choose Data Source Save Log: Select the data source to log actions from options such as AI, HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS.
      1. HTTP: Select HTTP as the data source and configure the necessary parameters for logging.
        1. Data Connection: The connection configuration for accessing the HTTP data source.
        2. Method (mandatory): The HTTP method to be used (e.g., GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, POCO).
        3. API URL (mandatory): The URL of the API endpoint to connect with.
        4. Query Parameters: Parameters used to customize the query.
          1. Key: The key representing the query parameter.
          2. Value: The value assigned to the query parameter.
          3. Query Variable: Variables used within the query.
          4. Select Type: The type of selection to be used in the query.
        5. Headers: HTTP headers required for the request.
          1. Name: The name of the header.
          2. Value: The value of the header.
        6. Others: Additional configurations for the HTTP request.
          1. Enable raw query: Option to enable or disable raw query execution.
    2. Response Attribute: The attribute that represents the response from the data source.
    3. Mapping Save Log: Configure mapping options for saving logs.
      1. Binding Field: The field that binds the data to the API response.
      2. API Field: The field from the API response that is being mapped.
  3. Get Thread
    1. Choose Data Source Get Log: Select the data source from options such as AI, HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS to fetch log data.
      1. HTTP: Select HTTP as the data source to get the log data.
        1. Data Connection: The connection configuration required to access the HTTP data source.
        2. Method (mandatory): The HTTP method to be used for the request, such as GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, or POCO.
        3. API URL (mandatory): The URL of the API endpoint used for fetching the log data.
        4. Query Parameters: Parameters to customize the API query.
          1. Key: The key of the query parameter.
          2. Value: The value for the query parameter.
          3. Query Variable: Variables used within the query.
          4. Select Type: The type of selection for the query.
        5. Headers: HTTP headers that are part of the request.
          1. Name: The name of the header.
          2. Value: The value of the header.
        6. Others: Additional settings for the HTTP request.
          1. Enable raw query: Option to enable or disable the execution of raw queries.
    2. Response Attribute: The attribute that will represent the response returned by the data source.
  4. Fetch Sms
    1. Choose Data Source Fetch SMS Log: Select the data source from options like AI, HTTP, Workflow, No SQL, or RDBMS to fetch SMS log data.
      1. HTTP: Choose HTTP as the data source to retrieve SMS log data.
        1. Data Connection: Configuration details for connecting to the HTTP data source.
        2. Method (mandatory): The HTTP request method to be used for fetching the data, such as GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, or POCO.
        3. API URL (mandatory): The URL of the API endpoint for fetching the SMS logs.
        4. Query Parameters: Parameters used to refine the API query.
          1. Key: The key for the query parameter.
          2. Value: The value of the query parameter.
          3. Query Variable: Variables that will be used in the query.
          4. Select Type: Defines the selection type for the query.
        5. Headers: Headers included in the HTTP request.
          1. Name: The name of the header.
          2. Value: The value for the header.
        6. Others: Additional configurations for the HTTP request.
          1. Enable raw query: Allows the execution of raw query strings for the request.
    2. Response Attribute: The attribute that represents the response data retrieved from the data source.

Click “Confirm” and “Chat & SMS” control is configured.