Get Api SQL

The objective of this guide is to walk you through the process of configuring a GET API that retrieves data by ID from a database using SQL queries.

Expected output:

1st Step

  1. Add a blank transaction form to start.

2nd Step

  1. Bind the data from the GET API to the desired controls. Here, we use label controls.

3rd Step

  1. To configure a label, select "Label" as the value and enter the database field name (e.g., from a TextBox) in the Value Field.

4th Step

  1. Go to the API Section and configure the GET API. Set the Data Source from which you want to retrieve the values. In this case, we are using RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Select the appropriate database and configure other details, such as the Data Connection Model Name. Set the operation to GET for fetching data, and add any necessary query parameters. In this example, we are adding the primaryKey and primaryValue parameters. In the Response Attribute, enter "data" to receive the response. Once all details are configured, save the settings to complete the process.

Final Output: